Placename :
In Irish : Cill Mochuma
Administrative Unit : Parish
Pronunciation Audio File
Administrative Details:
The foundation of this church is attributed to Mochumb, a 7th century Ossorian monk, contemporary and friend of SS. Canice, Pulcherius and Fachtna. Coma or Mochuma is not mentioned in the Irish martyrologies, though his name is distinctly perpetuated in the title of three churches of Ossory, two of Co. Waterford and at least one of Co. Cork. The Church of Kilmacomb appears to have been re-dedicated, to St. Matthew, Apostle, on whose feast (September 21st) the “pattern� was till recently kept. The ruins of a rather rude (approximately 14th century) church remain in a poor state of preservation.
Old Irish Typeface
Parish Location Map:
Woodstown Lower,
Woodstown Upper,
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